
Hinweise zur Benutzung von, stichpunktartig, in alphabetischer Anordnung.

Some hints on using, topics in alphabetical order.

generative - geographic location - interface - parameter - phase - semiotics - time zone - transparency
generative generative (graphics) Originating from modern linguistics (with roots in ancient difference dynamis/energia, actus/potentia) the term here means a graphical representation, which is not a 'picture' itself, but something like a grammar of possible pictures. 'Generative graphics' are topic of visual arts, 'informational esthetics' and other efforts since mid of the 60's. A wellknown german source is nees_1969. 9.06 gs
geographic location geographic location The common civil notation of a geographic position is measured from Greenwich in [degrees], as 'Width' (positive to the North), 'Length' (positive to the East) - f.e. : Berlin = 52.51 ° North, 13.41 ° East = (+ 52.51 °, + 13.41 °).
The values for your location can be found in public tables (www) or by using a measured globe.
Standard-notation for is : (14.40,-17.26) or (14.40N,17.26W)
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interface interface A (logical and physical, artificial) location where something is meeting something different. Often the term is used in technological context, but its original sense is a logical, visual, semiotical one: each 'symbol' is an interface, or can be regarded as, with good results: a place where something is 'thrown together' (sym-ballein). 'Inter-face' (the look-between) emphasizes the artificial character of this meeting. - At we're a) playing with a low-level semiotic confrontation of the 'natural' and 'artificial' aspect and b) calling 'interface' the (defined) locations where this confrontation takes part. 9.06 gs
parameter parameter Variable entity which is influencing (but not modelling) something (here: the generation of a graphic representation). Parameters require metric dimensions, but can be of different semantics: physically referring (like 'geographic position') or esthetically defining (like desired 'color'); they take values (like '200') of a certain dimension (like 'pixel') within a given range (like '[0 ... 400]'). The value may be fixed (internally, within a generative model, defining its quality) or choosable (externally, by user-interface, http-request or other ways). - External parameters used in's interfaces are for example : color, geographic position, date, time zone. Standard-notation of a http-request with parameters is : http://url?param1=value1&param2=value2 .. &param_n=value_n 9.06 gs
phase phase Actual view of the moon's (gradual) illumination, as to be seen - potentially - from the earth - the most common aspect of the moon, appearing as a sign for the current position in the lunar period. Orientation depends on geographic location. 9.06 gs
semiotics semiotics The theory of signs, lexically spoken. More actual : a modern (universal) way of dealing with representations; in a semiotical sense the difference between 'theory' and 'practical' things is of no substance. Each 'theory' is nothing but a kind of view - mediated by the use of signs. To our opinion, this semiotical approach (taken seriously) is extraordinary fruitful, but usually a bit too narrow; a more general theory of representation(s) could perhaps solve this problem - if we only had one ... 9.06 gs
time zone time zone The civil system of 'Timezones' cares for showing a local clock about '12.00' when the sun is high, somewhere on earth. Bound to the system of geographic positions, reference is GMT = 'Greenwich Mean Time' = 'Universal Time', supposed to be the time at geogr. length = 0, no daylight-savings respected. Standard-notation used in is (14.40,-17.26) or (14.40N,17.26W) 9.06 gs
transparency transparency For definition of colors we use the common hexadecimal RGB-notation (RR GG BB), with the extension of 2 digits (TT) for transparency, values from 00 (= opak) to FF (fully transparent): RR GG BB TT.
As transparency this time is only rudimentary supported by common browsers, you can note TT = 00 for full transparency - and leave the two letters for fully opaque colors. Simply type : color = 00000000 if you want a color to be transparent / unvisible / identical with background.
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