Continuous change of CSS-defined colors within HTML-documents, according to the actual moonphase; range is defined by colors for new and full moon.
Include a CSS-link in your document's header like :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" />
Append (X)HTML-tag and related CSS color-attribute with '?' and '&' like :
? tag=body & att=background-color
Finally append the color-range,
between "dark=" (color at new moon) and "light=" (at full moon) :
& dark=000000 & light=FFFFFF
The whole link will then look like this :
... leading to a continuous change of the document's background-color between black (#00000) at new moon and white (#FFFFFF) at full moon.
Assembling and preview of CSS-links supported by preview-form; example applications on the right.
See general license terms. Contact editors if you want a CSS-link to be licensed for personal use. or request it as my colorphase.