Audience : webauthors.
What you find here is a - slowly growing - set of generative* netart-pieces,
interfacing* -
in the sense of a low-level semiotical* experiment - the two worlds of :
here: the moon's dynamical behaviour,
as usually explained and described in physical terms, and
the graphic, semantic and intentional world of screens,
which is an artificial design-world, laid-out in scope of esthetics and usability.
This way each interface is mediating a specific part of the moon's phenomena;
using a selected set of physical parameters on one side,
relating them to specific terms of screendesign on the other.
Application, design and interpretation
are completely left to you, dear authors,
using these interfaces in your sense and within your context.
As a common theme all interfaces will - due to the dynamic nature of phenomena -
introduce a visual logic of change.